Friday, October 22, 2010

Today is the day!

One of the scariest days for any chiro student is the day board scores come out. Today is that day...

Six weeks ago all the 7th and 8th quarter students here at Palmer Florida emptied out our pockets, went through metal detection devices, defended our identities twice, and sat down for what is arguably the most important test we have taken in our lives to date. Part I boards are notoriously anxiety-inducing. The reason for this is their relative insignificance to the practice of chiropractic. The sections include Biochemistry, Microbiology, General Anatomy, Spinal Anatomy, Pathology, and Physiology. While these sections may seem to make sense for what we are doing, the actual questions asked are typically no more than useless trivia about exceptions to general rules and the most rare diseases that exist.

All of this being said, most students find ways to pass these on the first try. Palmer Florida students have been above the national average for passing Part I for the last several years. You can check out our pass scores here:

Once we are passed these (both literally and figuratively), the next three sections of the boards make a lot more sense for practice. I'll have more to say about those in March!

Wish me luck!

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