Friday, October 8, 2010

Beginning 9th Quarter

I noticed today that my blog has been officially added to the Palmer website. I'm quite pleased by this since this means there is a chance that someone will actually read my posts! :)

This is week one. At Palmer Florida, our life has been reduced into segments of 10-week decathlons. By this I mean that we struggle and push ourselves for 10 weeks (each of which holds different challenges) and then collapse during breaks. The particular push right now has to do with my clinic transition. Here at PCCF we begin seeing out-patients in 10th quarter. During 9th quarter, we see student patients and get acquainted with the clinic while still taking a full 30-hour course load. In addition to school and clinic responsibilities, I am the president of my class and, newly, the president of the Campus Guide Association... so I'm rather busy. During the last week I have probably done more than I did all last quarter--even with boards. Between arranging meetings, making schedules, introducing myself to tons of clinic staff, and honing my diagnostic skills, it has been crazy!

This morning I came in at 7:30 and I have not been home since. Soon I will head home to change and eat and then head off to a new event we are hosting this year called the Palmer Connection. Admissions representatives and career counselors from colleges around the country are coming to meet with our admissions department to better assist their students who are interested in coming here. It should be really fun. As I'm sure you've figured out, I love to talk about the school... this is a different way of getting to do it. I think this group will have very different questions and concerns than a typical prospective student would.

Anyway, if I can make it through this busy time everything will start to calm down. I'm excited to take on this new quarter and even more excited to fully move to the clinic next term. I think it's going to be a fantastic journey. More to come soon!

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